...need I say more? The game was great; the players were fabulous; the cheering was fantastic; the support and the fans here in Rome and all over Italy were superb! Both teams were grandious but Italy showed its superiority all along: our team commanded the game all along.
Given that my kids were fast asleep by the end of the end of the second period (and my mom wished she was before the pandemonium begun); given that we beat all odds against the negative cheering of some very skeptic co-workers (you know who you are!); and given the fact that Rome did not sleep till the wee hours of the morning...I think this holiday is being a great one indeed!
We plan to join a great group of people (friends and family) here at Borgo on Sunday night, to see our team be the champions once again. And Sunday will be a great day: 12 years ago, on that day my own family begun - Italy won against Spain - the number 9 is a perfect number...and all prayers will be with our team.
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