4 luglio
It seems that two of our dearest and most avid readers have requested some further updates and visual clues of how much fun we are all having here.
So we suggest to them and to you all to go and visit a new photo album (album strip) that we have freshly set up for your enjoyment.
Here you can all verify Marco's mission to enjoy at least one ice-cream per day. In fact, Michele and Marco, the other day, were discussing this very important fact. Given the 42 days on our vacation, and considered that we must get at least one ice-cream a day, times three scoops per ice-cream cone that we usually get at any decent and respectable ice-cream corner here in Italy...how many scoops in total? (this question is for Michele and Marco's cousins. Please send us your response soon!).
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Tonight is the big Italy-Germany game. Needless to say we are all very excited and nervous at the same time. It will be a pandemonium either way! (but we all know we will win!).
Check this link for more pictures. http://w77.photobucket.com/widgets/dynamicflash.php?featuretype=bucketstrip&featurename=grandiosefotodiroma&pa=/j71/paperella/
You're killing me. Now make sure you post some pics Sunday when Italy takes the world cup. I can imagine the craziness that's going on there.
Cheers again
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